We offer nursery care weekly and age based groups for kids from preschool through high school. Newcomers are welcome to join our program throughout the year. If you would like to visit, please fill out our contact form or a pew card so that we can learn more about you and help you to get connected. When you are ready, you can follow the link below to register the children/youth in your household for our program.
UU Faith Formation for our Children and Youth
Unitarian Universalism is a non-dogmatic, non-creedal faith. In our Religious Education program, we ground ourselves in shared values and we honor a variety of sacred paths. We teach our young people that their beliefs should make sense in their minds and feel right in their hearts.
Our Religious Education Program Goals
(1) We want children and youth to have fun and feel they are part of our religious community.
(2) We want children and youth to learn about our UU faith and to have opportunities to explore the many kinds of religious beliefs and spiritual practices that exist in our diverse world.
(3) We want to support young people in their personal and spiritual development, encouraging them to understand their own beliefs, express themselves authentically, and live out their values every day.
Our Religious Education Program Vision
In each RE group and across our RE program, we hope to create a supportive community of seekers in which all participants will feel…
Capable - Aware that each individual has unique skills, abilities, and talents to offer.
Connected - Aware that our congregation exists as a supportive spiritual community in which they can find friendship, compassion, and inspiration.
Contributing – Aware that each of us can choose to make a difference in our own community and in the world beyond our congregation.